An impeccable eye for detail.  High expectations of herself, her team and the dancers themselves. Extreme pride in how the company looked in every single performance whether at Barb & Ernie’s Restaurant, the Kiev Opera House or at the Jubilee Auditorium.  All of these were qualities that Joyce Howell brought to her role as Head of Wardrobe for Shumka, Shumka School and Clara’s Dream productions.

Joyce acted sometimes as seamstress and organizer extraordinaire, sometimes as liaison between costume brokers in Canada and Ukraine, sometimes as teacher of Ukrainian crafts, language, cooking or sewing to summer camp students; but always, Joyce acted with an inspiring dedication to perfection.

It has been said that “your wardrobe should complement your skill set, never detract – or distract – from your assets.”  Mrs Howell’s contributions indeed complemented Shumka in every possible way.